
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Show and Tell Monday ~ New Toy!

I had a very busy week this week! Work was piling up and so my miniatures making did slow down a bit. ;) Also I was researching alot on new cameras. I have my camera for close to 10 years now. If you think about it, technology changes so rapidly; things become obselete quickly, it's hardly you use a digital item for that long a time. My old trusty Sony camera has served me well for all these 9.5 years! It has never been spoilt! And in fact, it's still working, if only I go get a new battery. Now, it only works if I plug it straight to the wall socket constantly.

I was nervous about switching brands, since it takes time getting used to the buttons, functions, everything. But I figured it can't be that bad. And to think I was once a film student.

Didn't do much this weekend except playing with my new toy, and taking photos of my stuff using my new toy!

I think....the next class I need to go for is photography class. I want to learn to use my camera more effectively.

But meanwhile, these are a couple of photos I liked out of the batch I took this weekend. :)


  1. Hi Pei Li... Wow,,, those are both great photos. I love how detailed the center item is and the background has a soft focus. I think you made a good choice, but I am like you, I have so much to learn about my camera.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Have a great week... gail

  2. Pei Li

    I have so much to learn about my camera. It's very sad but true, I really just point and click without much thought. Your photos are amazing, so crisp and clear. Love the new camera!


  3. Pei Li, you've made a lot of progress already with your new camera. See you playing with the macro! I really like how you get the spot focus and mute the background. Isn't it so much fun to keep learning new things? Think this attitude will keep us young forever!
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  4. Pei, You always take such amazing photos. I know you get use to your new camera quickly. Hugs, Tedi

  5. Changing anything such as a cmaera or printer (which we are thinking of doing) always fills me with dread, will I get on with it will the software load, so I agree with you not always easy. Love the photo of your miniatures.

  6. Well, Pei Li I would say you got it figured out! For such tiny subjects you did wonderfully! I am with Gail, I love the softness in the background...

  7. Well Pei Li I think you did pretty good at taking photos with your new camera! They are wonderful. What kind did you get?
    I really need a class to learn more about mine. I have a Cannon Rebel.
    Have a fun week my friend,

  8. You never seize to amaze me with your work. We just learned a bit about our cameras a retreat and I still have to play with it myself yours look great, I think the new camera is working for you.
    Pink Hugs, Patty

  9. Hello Pei Li! So nice of you to drop by my blog and I just had to visit yours. Wow!!! What a treat! Love absolutely everything. And the pics are great! Very nice to meet you and hope that you have a wonderful day!


  10. Hi Pei Li,
    I love your photos !
    You know I've got a new camera and I have to learn too.
    Love your cakes, amazing as always !


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