
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Looking forward to new classes!

I woke up before 8am today even though it was a weekend. I wanted a good long start to this weekend :) There are just so many things to accomplish, and I had kind of lost last weekend.

Last weekend, I was down with a bad flu which I couldn't shake it all off. Fever came and went, and I was sleeping and resting in bed mostly.

Yesterday, I went to a craft place. My initial idea was to sign up for tole painting. But I'm not even sure why I didn't do that when I reached there. Maybe it was a combination of things. Lack of real completed work to look at could be one reason. In the end, I didn't sign up. Since I was there, I continued to browse some shops, and I found another little craft shop. Went into the shop and realized it was a paper tole craft shop. The pictures and display were very pretty, and I was very intrigued with the intricate work and details of paper tole offers. WoW! Ok and the lady was very nice too, she explained to me what it was, and there were classes. There was even a section at the back of the shop which is a classroom. I met the instructor and she showed me some of the work in progress by her students. I'm sold.... So I signed up for paper tole classes and I can't wait for next week's class. The beginner's class is only for 2 sessions, so I can easily do that. Actually I'm already thinking of taking intermediate since I am drawn to a piece that has a flower, garden theme to it. But I'll start with the beginner's class first...I think I'm going to pick a Peter Rabbit picture for a start.


  1. ooohhh paper tole classes are one significant memory of my childhood! :) my mom used to sign me up for them, and i still have one of the works hanging in my room. i bet you'll have lots of fun, cause i remembered i did! :) hope they'll inspire you for your mini polymer clay creations too! :)

  2. Don't forget to show us what you did! I'm not familiar with this and would love to see it. Have fun! ; )

  3. Would love to see photos of your finished piece. I am not sure what paper tole is.

  4. Would love to see the work in progress !
    It sounds it will be beautiful as always !


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