
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A date set for next year...

Met up with a long time friend last Friday for a Japanese buffet dinner, and we had fun filling each other on what’s happening in our lives. I share with her about my recent project for Enchanted Makeovers, and my friend suggested that I give a talk at the Zonta Club of Singapore, where she is one of the key members. Typically if it was a stranger who approached me, I would have been very hesitant, as speaking to a crowd was never my thing. However I’m quite excited about this, and in fact, I DID write it down on my goal list, so that I WILL work on it. I think it’s a combination of reasons; I know it will be a safe environment knowing my friend would be there to help me, secondly and very importantly, it’s a topic that I’m passionate about – when it is something you feel strongly about (miniatures & helping the community), it’s so much easier talking about it. Thirdly, I’m happy to know that they share some similar goals about helping to improve the lives of women.

So my goal there is to give a short talk about miniature making, a little about how I got started, sell some of my works there in person, and contribute a share of the profits to one of their current projects helping school girls.
The target date is set for next year, which I’m absolutely thankful for, because there is no way I could get everything done up in a short span of time.

Life is so much more meaningful when the little things that I create with my hands can actually help people in return…

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