
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Show and Tell Monday ~ Just some trivial things...

It's been really hot these days. We're talking about 35 degrees celcius. With the fan blasting at the highest speed, it's Not really a comfortable weather to be playing with clay. I've not been touching much lately.

Over the weekend, I went to get a new computer screen. Mine had lasted for a solid 10 years or more. Come to think of it, it's really hard to find electrical appliances that last so long anymore, and mine was a bulky monitor! The new range are all flat screen monitors. I opted for a 20 inch screen! Great for playing computer games!

On another note, I'm glad I started preparing for the upcoming talk early. It's coming up in slightly over 2 weeks, and I think I'm about 85% ready. I just don't think given the various commitments I have, I could churn anything out in a month's time, so I'm very grateful I had more than 6 month's time to slowly put things together without feeling the rush. I don't have any expectations out of it, as it will really be an interesting experience for me to have so many people viewing my works up close for the first time. I'm just going to see what are the reactions of non-miniature collectors seeing it.

I have some new work made over the last week. One of which is another 1:12 scale miniature Tarte Profiteroles. It didn't occur to me until my Teammids team mate, Dales mentioned that this would look great on a St. Patrick's day dessert table. :) Pardon me, as I am not really familiar with St. Patrick's Day as we don't celebrate it. But I love the green ribbon; it brings a refreshing feel to it.


  1. you are truely a great artist. i love what you do.

  2. Very cute, the green ribbon is a nice touch! I always end up looking for something sweet after reading your blog - uhoh!
    Patricia Rose-A Potpourri of Fabric, Fragrance and Findings

  3. Those are just so sweet! I just love your work!

    Olivia Paige

  4. How sweet! I can't imagine working with such tiny pieces but you do a beautiful job.


  5. Hi Pei Li,
    love the profiteroles, and I agree about the green ribbon. Hope you are enjoying your new monitor.

  6. Hi Pei Li,,, You will love your new 20 in flat screen monitor. Thats also what I have:) I am sorry to hear its so hot there. Its been very nice here,but in a few short weeks it will become very hot in the Southwest deserts. Oh well, I think its better than living in snow:) I love your new creation. I always look forward to seeing your new work! Have a great week, hugs, gail

  7. I love the flat screen monitors and yes they are great for games!
    Your new item looks yummy too bad they are not edible. You picked the perfect green color.
    have a great week
    hugs sassy gail

  8. Your creations always look good enough to eat, just beautiful as always.

  9. Pei Li

    I've missed you! Sorry about the hot weather, hope it cools off soon.

    Love the green ribbon too, very festive.

    Pale Pink And Roses

  10. Pei,

    Anyone that see anything you've made will be instantly in love! I just adore each and everything you do, Tedi

  11. Coucou Pei Li, there is one award waiting for you on my blog. Love, Oiseau

  12. Your work is wonderful! I love this little tower of sweets!

    Jody Good luck with your talk!


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