I've established a routine every week when it comes to cleaning. As I work on miniatures throughout the week, my desk can get a little messy and dirty. So I've put aside Saturday mornings to clean my work desk. It can take quite a bit of time as I have to move things around to make sure I clean all surfaces. On Saturday, I think I took about 2 hours to clean my table, and it's ready for this week's work again! But I couldn't stand working on dirty surfaces, so I need to clean weekly.
One of the reasons why miniature making is different from other crafts is because there is a lot of materials needed - and you only use a little each time. From tools like cutter, ruler, wood, sculpting tools, clay, acrylic paints, oil colours, glass paints, toothpicks, wires, paint brushes, dried flowers, different types of glue for different usage (this is not even the entire list) - it does add up to alot.!
This week, I've made some new desserts!