Available at my shop : http://www.miniaturepatisserie.etsy.com
Available at my shop : http://www.miniaturepatisserie.etsy.com
Oh my! I am jumping with joy. Ok, my heart is :)
I was looking through my views and couldn't explain why I was having many "hearts" on Etsy today. Then I went to take a look at my statistics and realized that I was on the Front Page of Etsy! I am beyond words, as you know there are so many sellers on Etsy, and being on the Front Page isn't something you can plan.
Many thanks to the curator FrenchPressKnits for picking my strawberry cake!
Many thanks to the wonderful eye of the person who selects this beautiful treasury to be on Front Page!
Here is the pic! Last weekend, I was also working on several projects at the same time. One of which is tulips for my friend Patricia. This is what I made for her.