I had lots of fun yesterday evening attending a flower arrangement class with a few friends. And I mean it's REAL flora arrangement; not miniatures.
Now that I am getting more interested in flowers, I thought it would be really interesting to attend one. Working with fresh flowers is really therapeutic and you can't help but feel happy. All your senses are "enlightened" so to speak.
Maybe more so in the local scene, flora arrangement gives an impression that - it's usually taken up by retirees, people who has too much free time on their hands, or maybe people who are crazy. I guess it's a little like miniatures.
Flora arrangement is also not what a lot of people think - just angle things the way you want it; afterall it's about art and art is free expression right?
But there are guidelines and foundation with regards to flora arrangement. In a short time span, I realized there are real steps and basic foundation rules. I'm pretty amazed and intrigued that at the end of it, I can make a nice round table flower arrangement. I came out of class feeling that time was well spent!
I've never seen such a nice shade of cadmium yellow for roses. I just love it. I also love the light green listome.