Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Creating Dollhouse Miniature Rose

Recently, I tried my hand at creating a new dollhouse miniature rose type. It has been on my mind to research a little bit more on this particular type as I'm fascinated with the petals. The center, inner petals are  busy and packed. Though I have tried experimenting it on and off, I still have not grasped the proper way to handle it. But in the midst of both failed and successful attempts of these, I'm getting there.

I love looking through my Rose Bible. There are just so many rose variations in my book and I constantly reach out to this whenever I need new colour or type ideas.

I tried to find a name for the particular one I made. And I think I found it. It's called Temari.

I don't necessarily stare at the picture while I sculpt, but usually I try to absorb all the details when I look at the picture. Then the sculpting begins.

The making of this rose type is totally different from the other roses - mainly due to the busy inner petals. Maybe it will frustrate a lot of people that you cannot get the same looking inner petals everytime, but hey, no roses are completely the same.

Well, I hope I can keep up with the stamina to make more of these for a slightly bigger project. :)


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