Saturday, September 13, 2014

Faux Macarons- Vanilla

I've been working quietly on these faux vanilla macarons. 20 of them actually. It was the first time I was commissioned by a local company for these. I always ask for 3 weeks time line for a project like this. I can never do it fast enough. Furthermore, it takes time for the shells to dry, and I texture all of them individually. I'm careful about not injuring my wrists, so that's why I would never try to complete them in a hurry.

I'm happy the project is completed and I can now proceed to other work that has been put aside for a little while. I hope to complete that new PDF tutorial which I have been working on forever. I am in the final photography stages for that. Then I will be concentrating on editing and writing. 

Wishing you all a happy weekend!

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