Monday, February 1, 2016

New Dollhouse Miniature Pansies Cake

For a while, I've forgotten how creating can be relaxing. That's why creating is something very close to my heart. Last week, I managed to make some new chocolate cream pansies cakes in 1/12 dollhouse miniature scale.

These colors perked me up and I definitely needed them last week!

Thank you to all of you who have left warm positive comments in my last post. I'm grateful for that! :) Thanks for all the positive energies I've received from friends around the world. My mom's healing was faster than I expected. Everyday, I see improvements in her healing. Right now, it's left with a tiny bit of swelling which isn't obvious unless you scrutinize her face. The color changes day to day. Right now it's left with a dark yellowish bruise with streaks of darker red. But it's definitely so much better than the first 2 days. Her spirits are up which is most important, and she even went to the hair salon to get her hair done today ^^ in preparation for next week's chinese new year. I'm feeling relieved. I am thankful for all my friends who are with me in spirit! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad your mum is feeling much better and happy to get out and about. Also, the pansy cakes are so sweet! They look a little Autumnal and rustic to me with the colours. Have a great day!


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